Paste becoming very popular as a bait
therefore I have developed a range of
this popular bait including a Special Mix
This special paste was a mix that I developed and used with great effect catching Carp and F1s. Bream also find this bait irresistible and are attracted to this bait.
Mixed in house using only the freshest and the best high protein ingredients available that include halibut and anchovy paste.

Using paste on the hook as bait can catch fish when other baits struggle. As most species of fish graze on the bottom they suck in the fine meal that is introduced into the swim and become filter feeders that pass through their gills and using paste on the hook can improve your catch rate.
Keep the paste sealed until used, and use it when opened, apply to the hook by molding around the shank and point, add a few drops of water to soften the paste for shy biting fish